Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable! I have definitely struggled with the same doubts. But I think it's good to have the awareness about how we don't want to add to the noise. That awareness pushes us to be more selective about what we do and don't share. For my part, I'm glad you're still writing. 😊

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Yes! I think all of us creators could use some introspection on the subject. In this information age we could learn to maybe share less often but more meaningful content. And I like that Substack is not governed by an algorithm that punishes for sporadic content. I personally decided to reduce my posting schedule to only once a week in the foreseeable future, in part to help with the noise and to adjust to my new day job. I think it will ensure I focus on quality work instead of quantity. Let's see how it goes! Thank you for your comment Cassandra!

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Such a great piece - thank you for writing this and for being vulnerable. I think we all have these doubts from time to time, that the social media world we inhabit is noisy enough without us adding to it. But as you say, we all have our own unique voice - and the right people will find us and more importantly, will want to hear from us.

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Thank you Louise for being one of them πŸ™πŸ’œ

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